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Introducing K-12 Suicide Prevention – Postvention Online Training

K-12 School personnel interact everyday with youth who have complex educational, social and personal needs. Balancing its educational mission with the community expectation to keep children and youth safe and healthy can be challenging.  Increasingly school personnel are expected to screen, spot, and respond to students experiencing a crisis. This includes students are thinking of suicide or who have the potential to hurt others. This website is a portal to online training developed by experts in the field of suicide and violence prevention.

An aspect of suicide prevention often overlooked is how to integrate students who attempt suicide back to school and how to appropriately deal with the death of a student by suicide. This is called “postvention” because it encompasses the actions taken after a suicide attempt or death.

Click here for three online training modules addressing prevention and postvention.

If you have any questions about the training please contact us at  or at 402-472-5678

  • Module 1 – Appropriate for all K-12 school personnel, includes a brief summary of what to look for and how to respond to a student who may be experiencing thoughts of suicide.
  • Module 2 – Appropriate for K-12 faculty and staff, includes information about how to integrate a student back to the classroom or school activity environment after a suicide attempt; and what you need to know and do in the classroom or school activity after a death by suicide.
  • Module 3 – Appropriate for Administrators and Helping Professionals (counselors, nurses, social workers, psychologists), includes information about how to plan for and manage reintegration of students who have attempted suicide; and how to plan for and manage learning environments after a death by suicide.

Nebraska educators can complete 2 of the 3 modules to satisfy their annual suicide prevention training requirement.

To view the resources used in the online suicide postvention training, click one of the links below.